Wide Format Wrap & Digital Graphics
With the advent of wide format digital graphics, a long list of opportunities present themselves in the field of signage and vehicle lettering. From the simple decal printed and placed on a jar of jelly, to the large banners you see hanging from stadiums and other tall buildings, the options for signage are virtually endless. Enter now the vinyl vehicle wrap options that are the rage today and the list gets even longer. Almost anything can be done with vinyl to decorate either a vehicle, the outside of a building, a wall, a window, a garage door, a barrel or any other item a person could possibly want to decorate. Below is a presentation of some of the options and some of the projects we have completed by using the full wrap option.
However, full wrapping is by far not the only option when it comes to wide format digital graphics. To see additional ways wide format digital graphics can be applied to signs, vehicles and more, click here.
The Vehicle Wrap
The most common type of wrap today is the vehicle wrap. Vehicle wraps offer a new set of options when it comes to lettering a vehicle. As in the case of this van, we took an older white van with over 200,000 miles on it, with a paint that was wearing thin, and applied a new look that will work to promote our business for many years to come, And it looks great too! As with all of our vehicle lettering wraps, the design and graphics are printed in-house utilizing 3M Controltac vinyl and a gloss laminate. When considering your next lettering project on your old (or new) vehicle make sure to give wrapping it some consideration before you just letter it!
And a new craze that is becoming more and more popular is what is called a color change wrap. No lettering, just a new color. Sound interesting? Give us a call!
The Wall Wrap
Okay, we know that the primary job of a wall is to help hold up the ceiling. And we know you probably didn't realize that a wall could be wrapped. They can, so why not put those bare walls to work on other things, like promoting your business, event or maybe a special promotion. Wall wraps take advantage of space that for years has been overlooked as a great place to advertise or promote. But not anymore. The wall wrap is an economical way to utilize that blank space in an effective and efficient way. We wrap walls with special wrap material made specifically for the type of wall that is being wrapped, whether it is brick, block or drywall.
Wall wraps look like paint, but without the mess. And, they are not permanent. Want to change the design? It is so easy to wrap right over top of the old print. No sanding. No scraping. Just re-wrap it!
The Garage Door Wrap
Okay. You probably never gave it a thought, but there is one place that especially as a home owner or a business owner you can take advantage of a space that looks like every other blank, boring space in the neighborhood; the garage door!
Yes, the garage door. We wrapped the doors of our shop with different graphics just to show the number of options and types of wrap materials that are used in wrapping doors. Why not wrap your own garage door with your favorite sports team graphic or a picture of that special car you always dreamed would be in your garage. And if you own a business, you can promote that business without having to have a special permit for a sign. How awesome is that??
The Equipment Wrap
Yes, it is possible to wrap a piece of equipment like a tractor or loader. As you can see in this picture, the owner of this piece wanted to try and make his machine as hard to see in the forest as he could. So he had us wrap it with camo wrap vinyl. The wrap vinyl we used is a special vinyl that conforms really well to curves and other distortions. It also has a very good resistance to ultra violet rays and the wear and tear of other environmental conditions. This is important in preserving the color and durability.
This particular wrap is an example of a "partial" wrap. We didn't wrap every single piece, just the main pieces. Partial wraps are popular in vehicle wrapping, but they also apply to construction equipment or all-terrain vehicles. Why not change the color of your 4-wheeler or wrap it with the colors and design of your favorite NASCAR driver?
The Wrap 4 Wrap Sake
We will wrap anything if you ask! The wrap for wrap sake means that we wrapped it for no other reason than we were asked to.
Imagine the barrels shown here without the full color graphics. It is just another ugly looking barrel. However, with the barrels in this picture, the color pops and you know exactly who owns them and where they belong. They make a great addition to any playing field, parking lot or wharehouse.
These barrels are wrapped with a high performance wrap vinyl digital printed in our digital graphics building and laminated then with gloss laminate. You can also choose matte or luster laminate.
Use your imagination...we can and will wrap almost anything!